Friday, May 22, 2009

New House

Heavens, I have updated in nearly 6 months, so I figured it about time. So, in early January I decided to take on the idea of home ownership, and it was a long long process. It started out with getting pre-qualified at the bank for a home loan. Some how that was the easiest part of the whole thing. Next, I found the best realtor ever, whom we will call Jer. We started out looking in the town where my church was which had several houses, but many were in more repair then I wanted to invest in. We then looked in a different area then I really wanted to look, but it looked promising. Same scenario as before, some good houses, but with lots of work. Finally in the orignial town I really wanted to look in I found a house that looked like it would work, it was one of the orginal houses that we had looked at. We went forth with an offer, but they wouldn't except it as it would put them into a short sale. So, then another house came on the market, and it was a good house, good bones, but had broken pipes from not being winterized. So, about two months after looking at it, and then major major issues with the bank it finally worked out, and now I am here at my new house.

So here's some pictures



Living Room

Going Downstairs

Here's a few updates

Painted Living Room

I need to take some more pictures, but this is some for now, more later! But that's my new house.


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