We made it, will know more in the morning. No surgery yet. -Monday at 4:50am
We are doing okay. Little to no sleep in 48 hours is taking a toll on all three of us, especially Aaron. No news from the docs yet, just lots of antibiotics and pain killers. -Monday at 9:10am
We are still in the hospital, hurrying up to wait on incredibly slow doctors. Dr came in this morning and wants to go in and do a suction out his ear later today. We don't know much yet. -Monday at 3:51pm
Please be praying for Aaron. We are hearing bits and pieces and words like MRSA are being spread around, and we can see the infection has spread into his neck. The drs have still not been back up.-Monday at 5:38pm
So here's the scoop. Pardon any misspelled medical terms. Aaron's mastoid was removed around 2001 and so that left just a shallow bone over the dura lining of the brain and it has a small opening from a previous abscess in it. He has a massive infection that is being treated with very strong antibiotics to prevent it. from spreading. They will continue until it goes away or appears to abscess and if it does they will do surgery in the morning if it clears up they will let him out around Friday. Thank you everyone for your prayers, we truly appreciate it. -Monday at 7:32pm
Mom and I are at the Marriot for the night. 48 hours with no sleep except a small nap is wearing on us. Aaron asked us to leave, which despite the fact it is actually a good thing because it means he is being himself. If the antibiotics help we are looking at no surgery. In the morning they will decide if they are helping, if not they will do surgery. -Monday at 9:14pm
Aaron waiting for the docs to come, who never did come til late. |
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