Saturday, October 24, 2009

H1N1, Tamiflu, and Saltines

It's been a rough couple of days. I started with a sore throat earlier this week and thought nothing of it, as it's harvest time here, and it's never really surprising to experience allergy problems this time of the year. Earlier this week my mom came down with H1N1, and was home sick for a week. It seem so ironic but whenever she gets sick, I tend to get it within a week, or vice versa. So, it wasn't surprising when she told me that I probably had it, as the first sign she had was a sore throat.

This weekend was our church's woman's retreat with all the local C&MA churches in Minnesota. I was so looking forward to going, but decided that perhaps I should stay home just in case I was coming down with something. Yesterday I got up and laid around for a few hours and then decided to get a few hours in at work, so I went but left a little early cause I wasn't feeling the best. I called mom and she urged me to go see the doc and find out if it was H1N1 with my history of asthma, so I did. I wasn't running a temp when I went in, and the doc said that my throat and ears looked fine, and that my lymph glands were only a little swollen. She thought we should perhaps do a Influenza A nose test to see if I by chance had H1N1, and sure enough I did. She sent me home with a 5 day dose of Tamiflu and orders not to go to work most of next week because H1N1 is so highly contagious. I thought perhaps it would be nice if I could just stay feeling that way I was for 5 days and maybe call it a "little vacation." Well, not so much. I got home took some Tamiflu and decided that it was time to eat a little dinner since I hadn't had anything since lunch. I made some bland butter noodles to satisfy myself, but they just smelled awful and an hour later I still couldn't get myself to eat them as the nauseousness was setting in very suddenly. I laid down and well the noodles I did eat and the Tamiflu I had, didn't stay down very long. I had dry heaves and vomiting for a while. A word to the wise" DO NO take Tamiflu on an empty stomach, very very bad idea.
Well, I finally went to bed and felt rather weak and lethargic. I did sleep well surprisingly, but woke up early. I decided that it might be best to try the Tamiflu again, but this time eating something before I took it. I ate a bunch of saltines, waited 45 minutes and took the Tamiflu, and so far I am doing okay. The Tamiflu has made me quite dizzy and a little incoherent, but other then that I am just tired and week, but am at least holding food down for now. Now to figure out what to do the next four days to pass the time. I guess my four books from the library may not be a bad idea. Well, that's all for now, probably not the best blog entry for the weak stomach people, but well that's just that way it is I guess. Tata for now.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Fall in Minnesota

Fall is always so pretty in Minnesota, and every year for the past four years by Dad comes up and we go on a father/daughter trip up to Lake Superior and the Duluth area. This year dad came up a little earlier as the leaves typical peak here around early October. We have had a slow fall so far, but it has been very cold so far. This morning being the 10th we had our first snow, which is quite early for Minnesota. Dad and I had a good time, the only problem we had is that is rained almost every day while we were gone. Over the course of the week we had over 5 inches of rain, which would of been very nice to have earlier in the summer when we really needed it. The farmers are trying to get beans and corn out, but not with the ground being this wet.

Lake Superior

Split Rock Light House

Row Boat that was in front of the cabin we stayed in

The leaves here are so colorful this time of the year.

Savana Portage State Park

Well, that's it for now, it was just time for me to update this blog and maybe I'll try to update it more in the future.